New Glass Review 43 Pop-up Installation
Presented by Corning Museum of Glass
At the 2024 Seattle Art Fair, the Corning Museum of Glass is pleased to be presenting a regional “pop-up” installation of selected contemporary glass artists and projects from New Glass Review 43. New Glass Review is an annual exhibition-in-print that documents the innovation and dexterity of artists, designers, and architects around the world working in the challenging material of glass. Tami Landis, Curator of Postwar and Contemporary Glass, has invited a selection of Seattle artists included in New Glass Review 43 to display work at the Seattle Art Fair that demonstrates a range of technical innovation and creativity in contemporary glass. The artists on view include Anna Mlasowsky, Bri Chesler, Morgan Madison, Eriko Kobayashi, and Matthew Szösz. These artists represent a range of conceptual strategies and technical experimentation, from pate-de-verre realism to somatic glass activated through performance. Just as the publication is not comprehensive of the field, this too is just a glimpse into the vast network of artists working in glass in the Pacific Northwest. Click here for more information on the artists.